BAUBOX INEMURI © Enrica Ferrucci


Workshop to-go for everyone from 5 to 99 years old

To the exhibition 'Who's Next? Homelessness, Architecture and Cities' at the Architekturmuseum der TUM

The exhibition "Who's Next?" is about homelessness. That's when you don't have a permanent home where you can sleep, eat, be with your family. Where you can retreat to. Thinking about that brings up quite a few thoughts - and questions. One of them is quite simple: sleeping outside, where everyone can see you, what's that like?

Will you join us in our search for answers with our building workshop INEMURI? Everything you need - including instructions and materials - is in the Baubox to join in. No matter where, with whom and when. It's a bit complicated with museums at the moment, but with the Baubox we don't care.

The Baubox can be picked up, shipped and GIFTABLE! Costs: 12,99€ / shipping 2,70€.

By the way, there are also seven other Bauboxes: 
Something for everyone!