Digital Architectural Archives CollectionsDecember 2, 2020, 4 - 5:30 p.m.

Expanding Practices, Uses and Future Potential

This session, co-hosted with the International Confederation of Architectural Museums (ICAM), will explore the strengths and challenges that born-digital design files present for collecting, accessing for research, and exhibiting. Four presentations from the critical perspectives of technologists, curators, academics, and archivists will establish a shared foundation for attendees to participate in theoretical and practical discussions ranging from visual literacy (the ability to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image) involving the complex born-digital design exhibition description practices and appraisal priorities for collecting institutions.


  • Dr. Teresa Fankhänel, Curator, Architekturmuseum der TUM; Munich, Germany. Presenting: “Analogue-Digital : Soft- and Hardware in Exhibitions”
  • Dr. Klaus Rechert, Academic Researcher, University of Freiburg; Freiburg, Germany. Presenting: “EaaSI - Automating Emulation Workflows for Access”
  • Wim Lowet, Consultant Digital Archivist, Flanders Architecture Institute; Antwerp, Belgium. Presenting: “Building Archival Strategies Together: How Appraisal Sessions can Help to Establish a Management Plan for Digital Design Archives”
  • Dr. Katie Pierce Meyer, Head of Architectural Collections, Architecture & Planning Library, University of Texas, Austin; Austin, Texas, USA Presenting: “Value Determinations and Meaning Making With Digital Design Records”

Further information and registration for the online event can be found here.

Location | Online Event