Building Social Change

Contemporary architectural practice in Africa is witness to many new and innovative approaches in the area of socially committed building: schools, nursery schools, marketplaces, hospitals, cultural centers, sports facilities and assembly halls. It is these public buildings and commonly used spaces in particular where signs of new utility and architectural concepts are made manifest. In many cases, future users are directly involved in the design and building processes. In addition to the use of the latest technology many of the construction projects are being developed with local materials and resume dormant building traditions. In its exhibition “AFRITECTURE – Building Social Change” the Architekturmuseum der TU München will shed a spotlight on those projects, with a particular emphasis on those that have been initiated by architects and whose conceptualization incorporate global relationships in addition to those of local culture and individual social groups. By taking into account ecological, economic and social aspects several architects have developed sustainable approaches and solutions to some of the cotinent’s most pressing design challenges. The exhibition comprises twenty-eight projects from ten countries within Subsaharan Africa, including Kenya, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and South Africa. All projects have been developed since the turn of the millenium and have been planned by African as well as European and North American architects.
Curators | Andres Lepik and Anne Schmidt
Exhibition design | StiftungFREIZEIT und Rusmir Ramic
Sponsor | Förderverein des Architekturmuseums der TU München