ZOOM! Picturing Architecture and the City

This catalogue features image series by 18 photographers whose oeuvres focus on forms of architectural photography that are situated beyond the architecture and art markets. Instead, they thematize the social, economic, and political framing conditions of global society and the constructed spaces it inhabits. From depictions of rural idylls in the Upper Palatinate all the way to international megacities, these "to some extent ironic and critical images quite clearly" underscore "the degree of divergence that exists between built reality and the conventional photography of architecture as seen in glossy magazines. The result is an enthralling panopticon that documents the architectural outcomes of political systems and social deficits on the basis of striking image series from around the world." (Margareth Otti in Fotogeschichte 138/2015)
Photographers: Iwan Baan, Roman Bezjak, Peter Bialobrzeski, Lard Buurman, Stefan Canham and Rufina Wu, Nuno Cera, Livia Corona, Nicoló Degiorgis, Jörg Koopmann, Eva Leitolf, Myrzik and Jarisch, Stefan Olàh, Julian Röder, Simona Rota, Andreas Seibert, Wolfgang Tillmans, Fabian Vogl and Tobias Zielony.
This publication is available in German and English.
Editor | Andres Lepik, Hilde Strobl
ISBN number| 978-3-86335-735-1
Price | 29,80€