Student Projects
Winter Semester 2017-2018

[Project Workshop Curatorial Studies] The Neue Heimat: Developing a Curatorial Concept
Teresa Fankhänel, Andres Lepik
Semester Project:
The seminar provided students with a thorough understanding of the tasks involved in conceiving an exhibition about architecture. Skills that were trained over the course of the seminar included researching archives, writing a research report, selecting exhibits, writing an exhibition proposal, designing a small exhibition layout, and writing a review of an exhibition. The course concluded with the preparation of a small portfolio or “exhibition catalogue.”

[Project Workshop Curatorial Studies] The Neue Heimat: Developing a Curatorial Concept
Teresa Fankhänel, Andres Lepik
Semester Project:
The seminar provided students with a thorough understanding of the tasks involved in conceiving an exhibition about architecture. Skills that were trained over the course of the seminar included researching archives, writing a research report, selecting exhibits, writing an exhibition proposal, designing a small exhibition layout, and writing a review of an exhibition. The course concluded with the preparation of a small portfolio or “exhibition catalogue.”
Summer Semester 2017

[Module Architecture Museum] The Innocence of the Stones? How to Deal with Nazi Architecture
Irene Meissner
Semester Project:
Design project and written exploration of an example of your choice, analyzing the current use of a building, space or artwork from the Nazi period.
Winter Semester 2016-2017

[Module Architecture Museum] Frei Otto: Ideas for a Better World
Irene Meissner
"Once it was the 'Miracle of Mannheim,' now it is slated for demolition even though it is listed." How could the Multihalle be used in the future?
Semester project:
The seminar developed ideas and written descriptions how to use the Multihalle in Mannheim